Sunday, October 26, 2008


A few weeks ago my family got together at my dad's house. My little niece, Kylee, who is 3 years old, decided that she wanted to be a cosmetologist. She's a natural. Within a few minutes of being there, she worked her magic and somehow managed to get my short hair into these lovely ponytails. I tipped her a quarter and bribed her with another quarter to attack another innocent bystander.

1 comment:

Shelley said...


Hey girl! This is Shelley Swasey Badger. Your blog sure is cute. I just guessed at your address, glad you had one. I really want your address, email, phone, etc. I am trying to find all the old friends. My new years resolution is going to try and be a better friend by staying in touch better. Do you have anyone else's address? I have Laura & Peter's but that is it. I need Marie's, Heidi's, Andrea's, etc.
I would love to hear from you. My email is